35 Innotec Drive, Bangor, County Down, BT19 7PD | Tel: 028 9147 1657

Why Does My Dog Have Bad Breath?

Posted: 10/6/2014

What Is Bad Breath?

We all know bad breath, also known as halitosis. Bad breath is the result of a build-up of odor producing bacteria in your dog’s mouth, lungs or gut. Persistent bad breath can indicate that your dog needs better dental care or that something is wrong in his insides. It could be one of many things liver, kidneys or the stomach. In all cases, halitosis is a red flag that should be investigated.

What Is Bad Breath Caused By?

Most often, canine bad breath is caused by dental or gum disease, and certain dogs, particularly small ones, are especially prone to plaque and tartar. However, persistent bad breath can also indicate larger medical problems in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract or organs.

How Can I Determine The Cause of My Dog’s Bad Breath?

Your vet is the best person to pinpoint the cause. A physical examination and some laboratory work may help determine the cause. You should be ready to answer questions about your dog’s diet, oral hygiene, exercise habits and general behavior.

When Is It Time To See The Vet?

If your dog’s breath suddenly has an unusual smell, please consult your vet. The following cases can be a sign of medical problems that need immediate treatment.

Unusually sweet or fruity breath could indicate diabetes, particularly if your dog has been drinking and urinating more frequently than usual.  Breath that smells like urine can be a sign of kidney disease.
An unusually foul odor accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite, and yellow-tinged corneas and/or gums could signal a liver problem.

How Is Bad Breath Treated?

Treatment depends on your vet’s diagnosis. If plaque is the culprit, your dog might require a professional cleaning. If it’s an issue of diet, you might have to change your dog’s food. If the cause is gastrointestinal or an abnormality in your dog’s liver, kidneys or lungs, please consult your vet about the steps you should take.

How Can I Prevent My Dog From Having Bad Breath?

Many people assume that bad breath in dogs, especially at a certain age, is a “given”—but that’s not the case. In fact, being proactive about your pup’s oral health will not only make your life together more pleasant, it’s smart preventive medicine.  Bring your dog in for regular checkups to make sure he has no underlying medical issues that may cause halitosis.

Make sure your vet & Groomer monitors the state of your dog’s teeth and breath.
Feed your dog a high-quality, easy-to-digest food. Brush your dog’s teeth frequently, every day is ideal. (Please be sure to use toothpaste formulated for dogs as human toothpaste can upset a canine’s stomach.)  If you dog will not allow you to brush their teeth, It can still be useful to squeezea little of the dog toothpaste into the mouth and let them lick it about their mouths.

Provide hard, safe chew toys that allow your dog’s teeth to be cleaned by the natural process of chewing. Be careful when choosing your chews (Rawhide is very fattening and not great for dogs).  Give your dog well researched treats formulated to improve breath odor.

Discuss home-use oral health products with your vet to see if there’s a type he or she recommends.

Although keep in mind, these products simply mask bad breath and do not treat underlying medical problems.  So it is important to have your dog's oral hygiene checked.

At Yellowdog Grooming we will also help you moniter your dogs teeth & breath and let you know if we believe they require a Vet's attention.  We work closely with Cedermount Veterinary Clinic and are happy to help you get in touch to arrange an appointment.

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